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Privacy Statement & Policy

Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt provide access services to private and public sector organisations and are committed to upholding our obligations under any agreed terms and pursuant to the law. Often we are required to gain access to occupied dwellings and with whom we have no agreement. Our privacy policy graciously extends to them to the full extent possible, subject to law.

If you have any questions or comments or if you wish to complain about how we handled personal information about you, please contact the Principal, Gary Finn on +60 1800 818 943.

Policy Details

Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt understands that you value your privacy and wish to have your personal information kept secure.  For these reasons, Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt places a high priority on the security of information we hold.  We have developed this policy to inform you of how we manage your personal information and maintain its integrity and security.

We are bound by the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and must comply with its implementing regulations. You can find more information about the Act and the regulations on

While we believe in keeping your personal information highly secure, we also believe that you have the right to be informed about how we deal with that information.  If on reading this policy you are unclear on any of the matters or simply want more information, please contact us on the telephone number or addresses provided below.

Our Services include architecture, inspection, design, Access Audits, advice and other associated products and services for government, residential and commercial property markets.

Did you receive email from us?

Our email marketing is permission based. If you received a mailing from us, our records indicate that (a) you have expressly shared this address for the purpose of receiving information in the future ("opt-in"), or (b) you have registered or purchased or otherwise have an existing relationship with us. We respect your time and attention by controlling the frequency of our mailings.

If you believe you have received unwanted, unsolicited email sent via this system or purporting to be sent via this system, please forward a copy of that email with your comments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for review.

Use of Web Beacons

When we send you emails, we may include a web beacon to allow us to determine the number of people who open our emails. When you click on a link in an email, we may record this individual response to allow us to customize our offerings to you. Web beacons collect only limited information, such as a cookie identifier, time and date of a page being viewed, and a description of the page on which the Web Beacon resides (the URL).

Web Beacons can be refused when delivered via email. If you do not wish to receive Web Beacons via email, you will need to disable HTML images or refuse HTML (select Text only) emails via your email software.

Collecting Personal Information

We aim to collect personal information only if it is relevant and necessary to providing the service or product you have requested from Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt.


In general you can assume that we collect and hold the following information:

  • Name
  • Home address
  • Property address
  • Email address
  • Telephone and fax number
  • Organisation Membership and Concession details, only where relevant
  • Other information to verify identity, such as date of birth

In most cases we will collect this information from you directly. However in some cases we may

purchase or receive information from list owners or managers. In both cases, our use of this information will follow the protocol set out below under ‘Purposes of Collection’.  

Naturally we collect and hold a broad range of personal information gathered during the course of providing our Services.  However as stated above, we strive to ensure that we collect and hold only that personal information which is relevant and necessary to your specific matters.

Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt acknowledges that there is no obligation for you to provide us with personal information.  However, if you choose not to provide Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt with the personal details we require we may not be able to provide you with a full range of services.

Purposes of Collection

The primary purpose of the information we collect is to enable us to provide property related design, inspection, audit, Architecture and advice and other associated products and services. 

We may also use the information for secondary purposes such as:

  • to send newsletters to you
  • to invite you to seminars or events
  • to inform you of products that can be purchased from Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt
  • to inform you of developments at Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt and other services that we can provide
  • for other purposes related to the primary purpose.
  • If we do use the information for any of the above secondary purposes, we will do so in accordance with the National Privacy Principles.  

Third Parties

The following third parties may have access to personal information:

  • IT technicians may have access when providing on-site support, although it is our practice for them to work under supervision and after having signed a Confidentiality Agreement
  • file storage services
  • auditors
  • our contractor service providers

We will not otherwise disclose information about you unless:

  • the disclosure is required by law;
  • the disclosure is authorised by law; or
  • you have consented to our disclosing the information about you for the purpose of your project.

Personal Information Quality

We aim to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up to date.  To assist us in this, you need to provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as requested and properly update the information to us to keep it true, accurate, current and complete.  When we communicate with you, we may ask you to re-confirm basic information such as name, address and contact details, in order to keep our records up-to-date.

If you believe that the information is inaccurate or incomplete, please contact us and we will use all reasonable effort to correct the information. 

If a disagreement arises over the accuracy of information, Sydney Access Consultant’s Privacy Officer will mediate the situation. In the event that we do not believe the information to be incorrect, we will take reasonable steps to add a statement to the information claiming that we or you believe the information is not accurate, complete or up-to-date.

Securing Your Personal Information

We are committed to maintaining the security and confidentiality of the data you provide us and we will take all reasonable precautions to protect your personal information from unauthorised disclosure, use or alteration.

Personal information is secured by Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt in numerous ways including the following:

Physical security

  • premises are securely locked after hours and an alarm system is fitted 
  • access to the premises is available by mill key only
  • a reception area restricts public access
  • documents are stored in lockable filing cabinets, in areas not accessible to the public

Computer and network security

  • access to all Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt systems is controlled  to ensure only authorised users can access our applications and databases 
  • unique authorised user identification codes and expirable passwords are used
  • independent management and administration of system access controls is used
  • audit trails and exception reports are generated automatically as a result of the modification of computer records
  • firewall and other protections are used within Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt networks to guard against unwanted or unauthorised access
  • all electronic traffic within and across the network is vetted for virus infection or corruption

Our employees all sign confidentiality agreements as part of beginning employment at Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt.

Accessing Your Personal Information

You have a limited right to access all personal information that we hold about you.  In limited circumstances, we may refuse your request to access, in which case, we will give you a reason for that refusal.

We are not required to provide access where:

  • denying access is required or authorised by law 
  • access would be unlawful
  • access would pose a threat to someone’s life or health
  • access would unreasonably impact upon someone else’s privacy
  • the request is frivolous or vexatious
  • the information relates to current or potential legal proceedings and is not accessible
  • through legal discovery or would prejudice negotiations with you
  • access would prejudice an investigation into unlawful activity
  • access may prejudice a law enforcement body’s investigation 
  • access would damage the national security interests

Unless authorised in writing by an individual, or compelled by law or as necessary for the primary purpose or related secondary purpose, Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt does not disclose an individual’s personal details to anyone other than the individual concerned.  In order to ensure that this is done, we will need to validate your identity before discussing or disclosing your information.

The following information may need to be confirmed with you before releasing any information to you:

  • name
  • home address
  • property address, if relevant
  • telephone number
  • any other information to verify against Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt’s database to ensure identity, e.g. date of birth

Changes to this Statement

This Privacy Policy is not a static document; we may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time for any reason.  We will publish these changes on our website.

Contacting Us

If you would like further information regarding this Privacy Policy, if you have concerns about the information that we currently hold about you, or any aspect of this Privacy Policy, please contact the Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt Privacy Officer at:

Telephone: +60 1800 818 943

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sydney Access Consultants (Malaysia) Plt Postal Address:

Unit 37-02 (East Wing), Q Sentral,
2A, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2,
Kuala Lumpur Sentral,
50470 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

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All information in the Sydney Access Consultants site is produced by and for Sydney Access Consultants. Sydney Access Consultants will not knowingly publish information it does not believe to be true and accurate.

Where data or information is sourced from another individual or organisation, Sydney Access Consultants acknowledges that source and publishes the information in the belief that the sourcing individual or organisation has verified its accuracy.

The information supplied relates wholly to Sydney Access Consultants and the business environment within which Sydney Access Consultants operates. Sydney Access Consultants makes no references to other companies or organisations or their operating environments except where their use of Sydney Access Consultants services and expertise is discussed.

The information presented in the Sydney Access Consultants site is believed to be correct at the publishing date and Sydney Access Consultants reserves the right to adjust details as required. Information supplied on the Sydney Access Consultants site will be updated as soon as practicable after any change occurs.

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